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Meaning of the colors of the Druze Flag/Star:
The Druze hold five cosmic principles which are represented by the five colored Druze star and flag: intelligence/reason (green), soul (red), truth expressed in word (yellow), precedent (blue), and immanence (white).
Remember a time where you felt far from God. Have you always known about God? Did you come to faith later in life? Do you know what it feels like to be separated from Him?
Pray that the Holy Spirit would give you a heart for people like the Druze who are separated from Him.
Pray that the Druze would seek the truth. Pray that as they are seeking the Truth, Jesus would reveal Himself to them.
Pray that the strongholds of fear and tradition and evil practices that hold the Druze captive would be broken in the Name of Jesus.
Pray that the Holy Spirit would start a disciple making movement among the Druze.