There are 20,000 Druze people living in the Israeli Golan. We are dedicated to raising up 20,000 Christians who will pray for the salvation of the Druze in the Golan. Are you one of the 20,000?
Our Mission
The mission of the Pray4Druze prayer movement is to gather 20,000 Christians who will be committed to pray for one Druze person living in the Israeli Golan. That is a 1:1 ratio.
The Druze have been in the kingdom of darkness for a thousand years. We want to bring them into the Kingdom of God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are many spiritual strongholds that prevent them from being able to understand and accept the Gospel. The purpose of this prayer movement is to breakdown these strongholds and the forces which keep them in darkness so they are ready and able to step into the freedom of a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Will you join us in bringing the Druze in the Israeli Golan into the Kingdom of Light?
“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves”
we believe
20,000 Christians praying for the same thing sounds crazy big, and it is, but we serve a crazy BIG God.
- We believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God and has come to invite us all into a relationship with Him.
- We believe God has a heart for the Druze and wants to them to come to know Him.
- We believe that God has called 20,000 of His people to share His heart for the Druze and to pray.
- We believe that God can and will do impossible things on behalf of the Druze.
- We believe there are already secret followers of Jesus among the Druze in the Golan who will lead a discipleship movement among their people group.
- We believe that the Holy Spirit will use this prayer movement to change the hearts of the Druze and those who pray for them.